शुक्रवार, 27 अगस्त 2010

Turning points of present time cinema ...

1. what is new changing trends in Indian cinema ?

Ans-  Simple story telling is very new for Indian cinema. All kind of stories are welcomed by audience and film Industry.

2.what is the main change in Indian cinema during last three decades ?
Ans – Still Indian Cinema has no any big change. They do not come up with the standards of the world cinema. But Indian cinema is trying to come out of narrow path of formula cinema.

3.what is your point of view on contribution of Indian cinema to the  Indian ?
Ans – Lyrics, Romance, entertainment and interaction of Indian languages are the greatest contribution of Indian cinema to the  Indians.

4.what is the impact of Indian cinema on global audience ?

Ans – Yes, It has a large audience but it has accepted as below standard cinema. Again I would repeat that publicity of language is the biggest contribution of Bollywood cinema.

5.which type of change you want to see in  Indian films during next ten years ?

Ans-  Indian cinema should fallow Iranian film makers. They should search their roots in Indian culture. I hope that they will understand the power of originality and find the way to use their cultural and economic faculties. 

{It is a part of an interview taken from me by a student of Mass Media from Kolkata.} 

राजकमल चौधरी के लिए ; Rakamal chaudharee ke liye

राजकमल चौधरी के लिए

उसे आदमी और आदमी में फर्क कर के जीना था
इसीलिये एक की नजर में वो हीरा आदमी था
 तो दूसरे की नजर में कमीना था !

धूमिल (१९६० से १९७०)